key points

Minimum requirements

For the purpose of this course, students are required to publish one learning pathway,[1] representing approximately one to two hours of learning time for learners working through the materials you design. The published learning sequence on WordPress must meet the following minimum requirements:


  1. Go to the course ‘Outline’ sub-page you created during the Snapshot process. This should be listed as a sub-page from a WikiEducator userpage:
    • If you are working independently, you should use the ‘Outline’ sub-page linked from your own Userpage
    • If you are working as a member of a team, you should use the ‘Outline’ sub-page linked from the Userpage of your team coordinator for the learning pathway you are authoring.
  2. Review your ‘Outline’ sub-page:
    • Note that the first bullet in the outline is always reserved for the homepage (or ‘landing page’) of the published course site.
    • Taking the experience you have gained on this course since posting your first course outline, review the sequence of the sub-pages in your course outline for the learning pathway you plan to author for this challenge. Do you need to adjust the sequence? Do you need to add any new pages in your learning sequence?
  3. Implement any changes or refinements to your learning pathway by adding new bullets as sub-pages or changing the order on the relevant ‘Outline’ sub-page.
  4. Author a succinct text for your landing page (the first bullet in your course outline). This might include an appropriate image for your learning pathway and the introductory text for visitors to your landing page.
  5. Commence authoring of the individual sub-pages linked from the ‘Outline’ sub-page you are using for this development.
  6. Generate a WordPress Snapshot of your learning pathway when you have finished authoring the content. Remember:
    • You must have a current log in session in WikiEducator when you request a snapshot.
    • You must use your WordPress username and password when requesting a snapshot.

Additional tips for authoring individual sub-pages:

  • Where appropriate, include images on your pages for visual appeal. Consider the recommendations for images and mobile devices covered previously.
  • Avoid creating “long” pages which need excessive scrolling. Consider dividing long pages into separate sub-pages in your learning pathway.
  • Break down long sections of text using headings and sub-headings.
  • Incorporate activities in your pages using pedagogical templates.
  • Avoid complex tables with more than two or three columns. Tables do not display well in portrait mode on mobile devices.

  1. See the definition on the Design project page.