
Challenge summary

Summary: Author a learning sequence in the wiki and publish this to a WordPress course site.
3 – 4 hours
Linked to the Course developer badge

This authoring and publishing challenge brings together the knowledge and skills you have developed on this course, specifically:




The purpose of this learning challenge is to author and publish a learning pathway online including the integration of activities to support your learners in achieving the learning outcomes. This learning challenge builds on the work conducted earlier in the course.

The value of this exercise is to:

  • Author course materials based on the course outline template derived from your storyboard.
  • Re-use images and rich media you identified from the OER inventory challenge.
  • Re-mix and incorporate materials you sourced during the OER inventory challenge.
  • Implement the wiki skills you acquired for publishing pedagogical templates and wiki-based quizzes to embed activities within individual pages.
  • Implement your H5P authoring skills to embed interactive online activities.
  • Review the sequence of content pages you proposed for your course outline and refine it as appropriate.
  • Gain experience and confidence in publishing course materials online.