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The questions which follow provide a basic knowledge test of selected concepts covered in this learning pathway: Outlining a learning pathway.

The questions published at the end of each learning pathway are re-used for the knowledge test for learners interested in earning a digital badge or certificate of participation for the Empowered Digital Teacher for Online Learning (EDT4OL) micro-course. Please consult the Certify participation page for more information.


True-false questions

  • Simple-to-complex is an organising principle for sequencing a learning pathway.
    • True
      • Correct. Yes, this is one of a number of organising frameworks.
    • False
      • Incorrect. Please review the study materials for this section.
  • The course recommends that titles of sub-pages should not exceed ten words maximum.
    • True
      • Incorrect. The course recommends keeping sub-page titles to five words maximum.
    • False
      • Correct.
  • Allowing learners to determine their own sequence through the learning materials is a valid principle for sequencing content.
    • True
      • Correct. This is one of the ordering principles identified in the course materials.
    • False
      • Incorrect. Apart from noting this ordering principle in the course materials, learners accessing open online courses will frequently have the freedom to choose the order in which they navigate the learning materials.


Multiple choice questions

  • In this course, what is the concept used to refer to dividing content into manageable units of information?
    • Chunking
      • Correct. Learning pathways are assembled from individual pages after dividing and grouping content into manageable “bites” of information.
    • Sub-division
      • Incorrect. Sub-division does describe the act of dividing, but it is not the concept used in the course materials.
    • Sequencing
      • Incorrect. This refers to the order in which information is presented to learners.
    • Internal logic
      • Incorrect. This refers to one of the ordering principles for sequencing learning material.
  • In the context of this course, what was the primary reason cited for keeping the titles of sub-pages in a learning pathway short?
    • To minimise cognitive load for the learner
      • Incorrect. Cognitive load theory is an area of study in cognitive psychology, but does not have much bearing on the use of short sub-page titles in this course.
    • To improve learner comprehension
      • Incorrect. Wordy explanations can reduce comprehension, but this is not the reason cited for short sub-page titles.
    • To improve site navigation
      • Correct. Long phrases used as sub-page titles will not display well in the navigation interface, and will reduce readability.
    • To reduce the cost of data for learners using mobile devices
      • Incorrect. It is a good principle to consider the cost of mobile data for learners. However, text strings will have little impact on the cost of data.
  • In this course, visual design was described as the interplay between:
    • Content and form
      • Correct.
    • Colour and texture
      • Incorrect. In graphic design, these are important concepts, but were not referenced in the course materials.
    • Alignment and hierarchy
      • Incorrect. These are important concepts when creating graphics, but were not referenced in the course materials.
    • Balance and white space
      • Incorrect. These are important concepts for online publishing, but were not referenced in the course materials.