The whole idea of discussing policy in this course is to emphasise that a sound policy environment creates a conducive climate for rolling out quality ODFL. There is a sense in which educational policy can be viewed as an integral aspect of the quality of provision. It defines critical educational inputs, key processes of the system and expected outcomes to be achieved. As highlighted earlier in this course, ODFL policy covers essential aspects of provision which have a direct impact on quality of provision. As a reminder, these key aspects include who offers ODFL, how it is funded, recognition and alignment with traditional face-to-face (Issues of parity), student assessment, and quality assurance.


Learning activity 5: Identifying policy goals

You will need 20 minutes to complete this activity.

In activity 4, you identified an educational policy in your context and parties that were involved in formulating that policy.

In this activity:

  1. Identify and list the problem(s) the policy was intended to address.
  2. Post your answer in the discussion forum and read and respond to at least one answer posted by your colleague.


Our reflection and feedback on Understanding of policy

Some of the factors that affect whether or not policy succeeds are resources, policy implementation plan, buy-in by relevant stakeholders, capacity to implement policy, and clarity of policy.