This unit focused on the concept of distance education, its evolution and both classical and emerging theories shaping this mode of provision. It is hoped that through the unit, you have gained a good understanding of the various terms used in distance education discourse, like ODL and ODFL. We also hope that you now appreciate how classical theory shaped modern theory and practice in ODFL.


Unit two quiz

Before you proceed to Unit 3, check your understanding of concepts that were dealt with in this unit by going through the quiz in Moodle


14. Shemesh, M. (2023) Distance Learning. q=image%20of%20distance%20learning&tbm=isch&hl=en&tbs=il:cl&sa=X&ved=0CAAQ1vwEahcKEwigzf_IzZuEAxUAAAAAHQAAAAAQFQ&biw=1263&bih=551#imgrc=cPIgBVRsDjQLrM

15. Daniel, J. (1995) The mega-universities and the knowledge media: Implications of new technologies for large distance teaching universities. Unpublished Master’s thesis.

16. Murangi, H. (2017) Managing the transition from conventional to open schooling: a case study of Namibia. Unpublished PhD thesis:

17. COL, (2023) Open and Distance Learning: Key Terms & Definitions Commonwealth of Learning

18. COL, (2023) Open and Distance Learning: Key Terms and Definitions

19. Mays, T. & Singh,R. K. (2020) EdS. Addressing the Learning Needs of Out-of-School Children and Youths through the Expansion of Open Schooling

20. Narayan, S. (2021) Out-of-School Children: A Contemporary View from the Pacific Island Countries of the Commonwealth, COL, Vancouver.

21. Evans, T. & Jakupec, V. [2022]). Classic Theories of Distance Education. In: Handbook of Open, Distance and Digital Education. Springer, Singapore.

22. Pyari, 2011 cited in Evans, T. & Jakupec, V. (2022)

23. Garrison, D. R., Anderson, T., & Archer, W. (2000). Community of Learning Framework: