
Open Distance and Flexible Learning (ODFL) is increasingly becoming popular at both schooling and post-schooling levels across the world. This is because of the flexibility this mode of provision offers, which makes it possible to accommodate the learning needs of a wide range of students. Especially where mobile technology is used, ODFL is known to facilitate anytime, anywhere learning, (UNESCO, 2013) .
The Mainstreaming Open Distance and Flexible Learning (MODFL) online course will take you through Open Distance Learning, its evolution and the underpinning theories. Although much reference will be made to open schooling, these key aspects equally apply to ODFL at post-schooling levels. In fact, most open schooling systems offer a mixture of national school curriculum subjects as well as vocational and professional training programmes.

Reviewing the course guide

We recommend that you scan through the course guide before commencing your learning journey.

The course guide contains:

  1. The learning outcome and objectives for the course
  2. The syllabus where you will find the sessions, dates and links to the learning materials and learning challenges.